Take 10 Minutes To Try This Kubernetes Deployment Example

Marija Naumovska
3 min readSep 20, 2021


Setup automated deployments for your Kubernetes Clusters

Kubernetes is the most popular open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services. Kubernetes abstracts the underlying infrastructure layer so that developers can focus on building applications.

In this article, we will go through a simple Kubernetes deployment example. Following it, you will create a Kubernetes Cluster using a pre-made infrastructure template and deploy a service on Kubernetes.

1. Create an account

Creating a Microtica account is totally free. You can do it by signing up with your email or with your Git account.

2. Select the EKS template

In the starting screen, select the Amazon EKS template, in the Starter Plan Templates section. You will have 14 days to try out this plan and the templates available there. You will be redirected to a page where you need to configure the necessary parameters, choose an environment in which to deploy your EKS cluster, and Deploy.

On the left side you can see which infrastructure resources will be provisioned with this template:

  • a VPC component to set up the networking where the EKS container will run,
  • and the Kubernetes Cluster Component, which contains EC2 instances, Load balancer, and preinstalled Ambassador API Gateway.

3. Configure the template

When you open the template you’ll see you have some predefined values there. These are environment variables that specify a t3.small EC2 instance with 1 node. These are the minimal configurations so you can try out the template. For more serious purposes you would need bigger compute power. So you can configure the template variables for the needs of your workloads.

You need to save the changes to continue with the next steps.

4. Select an environment

The next step is providing an environment where your Kubernetes cluster will deploy. Environments help you group infrastructure and application resources, so you can better separate your development and production workloads.

Here you can select an existing environment or create a new one on the spot.

After that you will need to connect your AWS account to deploy the EKS cluster there, so you can have ownership of your infrastructure and data.

5. Deploy the template to your environment

Once you’re done with the infrastructure configuration, you can go ahead and trigger a deployment of the environment by clicking on Deploy.

All resources will be created on the provided AWS account, expenses will be calculated according to AWS pricing for using the services.

It takes about 10 minutes for this cluster to be deployed on the cloud. In the meantime, you can follow the detailed deployment logs.




Marija Naumovska

The Product Person in @Microtica. Software Engineer, Product Manager, Tech Writer. In love with product development.